~ Barley Fodder ~
the Healthiest Animal Feed

SGI Grains Sources Premium
MALTING Barley~Legumes
Specialty Cereal Grains
95%+Germ~48 lb+Test Wt.
Organic Certified USDA~AGA Approved
Fresh Daily Fodder for Grass-Fed

< $75/Ton to Grow
Cut Feed Costs by 40+%
Ships ~~ Totes~Bags~Bulk
(1) Ton of Dry Seed Produces
(8) Tons of 'Live Green' Fodder
'Seed Quality' is the LIFEBLOOD
of Fodder/Sprouting

Hydroponic Fodder Systems 

Grow Highly Nutritious Fodder for Less than $0.10 /lb.HFS 50 - 50 lbs/day - System Size 3.3'x3.5'x7'H - Feed 2-3 trays/day                                                 10 lbs seed+10 gals H2O/day 

* Feeds 3-4 Large/10-15 Small Animals/700 Poultry/Day (3% of Bwt)

*$4,700 + S&H    ____________________

HFS 100 - 100 lbs/day - System Size 6'x3'x7'H - Feed 4 trays/day                                                      20 lbs seed+15 gals H2O/day 

* Feeds 5 Large/25 Small Animals/50 Poultry/Day @ (3% of Body Wt)

*$7,400 + S&H   __________________

All Trays are 34" x 16" x 1.6"- 5 lbs/Seed/Tray = 30+lbs/Fodder/Tray

HFS 200 - 200 lbs/day - System Size 10'x 3'x7'H - Feed 8 trays/day                                                32 lbs seed+18 gals H2O/day 

* Feeds 10 Large/30 Small Animals/100 Poultry/Day (3% Body Wt)

*$14,800 + S&H            Overhead Misters are used for Even Growth

HFS 1000 - 1000 lbs/day - System Size 18'x3'x7'H - Feed 20 trays/day                                                  90 lbs seed+50 gals H2O/day 

Feeds 50-60 Large/125 Small Animals/800+ Poultry Daily

*SALE* Now $24,700 


HFS 1000 -1000 lbs/day-System Size 20'x8.5'x9' - Feed 40 trays daily                                                180 lbs seed+130 gals H2O/day  

Feeds 60 Large/200 Small Animals/1000+ Poultry Daily

*$33,800 + S&H           Electrical Service for ALL Systems - 220v/50amp

With 90% digestibility and 16-18% protein, it’s no wonder that fodder grown in a Hydroponic Fodder System produces some of the most nutritious food sources available today for horses, beef, poultry & exotics.


HFS 2000 - 2000 lbs/day- System Size 40'x8'x10' - Feed 80 trays/day                                                400 lbs seed+235 gals H2O/day 

* Feeds 100-150 Large/500 Small Animals /2,500 Poultry Daily

*$46,300 + S&H In extreme Hot or Cold climates, it is recommended that systems be placed in insulated buildings or under cover for more efficient operating production.

(888)-334-3397 - Call for Info



*** DIY Section ***

CropKing.com - Website

FarmTek.com - Website


BEST VALUE -- Expandable Fodder System

FodderFeedingSystems.com - Website

(888)-334-3397 - Call for Info


Climate Controlled Metal Buildings

It is recommended that Fodder Growers have an insulated climate controlled building for Best Results.  

Alan's Factory Outlet is a metal building specialist for Fodder System Growers. (Eastern U.S. Only)

They offer FREE Delivery & Erection of your Metal Building on your Site for NO EXTRA CHARGE!

AlansFactoryOutlet.com - Website (Use 3D Builder Tool)

(888)-334-3397 - Call for Assistance

Specialty Grains Int'l (SGI) sources premium quality grains, legumes & forages grown in the Rocky Mountain highlands and on the Northern Great Plains of the Dakotas & Minnesota.  This fertile river valley extends into the prairie provinces of Canada. 


Between the open prairies of North Dakota and the forested lake country of northern Minnesota, lies the Red River Valley of the North - one of the most fertile farming regions on Earth.  The north flowing river valley is 550 miles long and widens from 10 to 50 miles before entering Manitoba and emptying into Lake Winnipeg and then on to Hudson Bay. The valley has some of the world's richest topsoil of organic black loam formed by glacial sediment deposits left from ancient Lake Agassiz.  Average annual rainfall of 28 inches is produced from the convergence of cool dry Canadian and humid Gulf air masses.  The valley grows a wide variety of crops including red spring wheat, sugar beets, potatoes, sunflowers, corn, soy beans, lentils and some of the highest quality malting barley in the World.             

                                                                    Red River Valley Barley Growers MN/ND                                                                     SGI Processing Site - MN  

                                                                     SGI Barley Storage - MN

Although barley is grown in warmer southern regions for feed, the best conditions for growing quality fodder/sprouting malting barley is in northern climates. The 'cooler nights' allow ripening grain to recover during hot summer 'heat stress.'  This results in higher test weight and superior plump seed development during the 'flowering cycle.'

Barley is an ancient grain grown and documented since Biblical times. As barley protein is slightly lower compared to other cereal grains, protein is enhanced in the sprouting process.  Barley has one of the most explosive germ rates of all grains and is the preferred choice for fodder/sprouting.

                                                          Certificate of Analysis


SGI also sources premium barley from another prime growing area in the irrigated fertile San Luis Valley of Colorado.  At 7,600 feet, it is the highest elevation and largest commercial agricultural valley in the world.  The arid San Luis Valley is expansive and flat varying from 20 to 50 miles in width and 100 miles long from north to south. The valley sits between the Sangre de Christo and San Juan mountain ranges in southern Colorado.  This fertile highland valley is renowned for malting barley, potatoes, alfalfa & wheat along with carrots, lettuce, broccoli, canola, and cauliflower.   

                                                                      San Luis Valley CO Barley Grower                                                                      SGI Processing Site - San Luis CO SGI Barley Storage - So. Fork CO

                                                              The Best Growers in America


Seed Quality is the LIFEBLOOD of Fodder/Sprouting Systems!

*** It is strongly recommended that all grains delivered to humid, high dew point climates be stored in climate controlled containers or structures to avoid grain moisture absorption which can adversely affect the germination energy and vigor of the seed for fodder systems.***


** Customer Comments **

"I have tried other grain sources in my area with poor yields on my fodder system.  SGI puts me in contact with growers who grow the best quality I can find." M. Gingerich - TN

"I have been using organic barley sourced by SGI in my fodder system for nearly a year and have noticed my herd is more content and calm with increased milk production, butter fat and protein.  The milk has a milder sweeter taste right from the bulk tank." N. Gebhart - WI

"I was introduced to SGI over 8 years ago and have been very satisfied with growers introduced to me who provide quality grain." S. Huber - KY

"I have purchased barley from many sources for my Fodder System but "The Barley Guy" finds the best quality organic grains at the best price." A. Esh - PA

  • SGI Grains Sources Barley in Midwest-Rocky Mts.-Serving Entire U.S.A.

What is FodderPonics?

FodderPonics is the process of irrigating grain seeds & legumes hydroponically to produce highly nutritious mats of Fodder Sprouts.

Fodder is the general term for all types of forages, (excluding pastures for grazing), such as baleage, haylage, silage and grains that are sprouted to form a thick, nutritious feed source for feeding livestock. Sprouted grain fodder has been in existence for  thousands of years and is thought to have originated in the Nile River Valley of Egypt and used to feed the herds of nomadic tribes. 

What is a Fodder System?

It is a climate controlled environment comprised of a growing room, container or building that is used to sprout micro-greens for humans and cereal grains & legumes for livestock & poultry feed.

How Does a Fodder System Work?

Seeds are spread onto the growing trays and are watered at timed intervals with gravity flood trays or overhead sprinkler system. Temperature and humidity levels are maintained inside the system and can ko be monitored and controlled remotely. With advanced high volume ozone air-exchange technology, airborne mold spores are filtered before propagating on the growing trays.  For best results, use only ultra-clean premium high-germ barley to produce quality fodder.  One (1) lb. of dry seed will produce 7 lbs.(1:7) of fodder.  Every 5 to 7 days, a highly efficient system can produce a daily harvest of 200 to over 2500 lbs. in a container.  The automated hydroponic system does all the work and takes about an hour per day to harvest, clean & seed.   

Can Fodder Replace All Other Feed?

It is recommended that fresh fodder be a supplement and used in conjunction with a balanced feeding program of other fiber. In most cases fodder can replace a large portion of existing feed grains & forages being fed and may significantly reduce feed costs 50% or more.

How Nutritious is Sprouted Grain Fodder?

Sprouted grains are some of the most nutritious feed for all livestock that graze on grass and forages.  The sprouting process converts and transforms the grain into a power-packed combination of enhanced enzymes, vitamins and protein.  Sprouted grain fodder is 90% digestible and assists in the overall digestion of other fiber for better feed efficiency and reduction of grain consumption.  Combinations of sprouted grains can be used to custom blend nutritional requirements for all types of livestock, horses, poultry and exotic species.

What is the Cost/lb to Grow Highly Nutritious Fodder?

Studies indicate that many commercial systems can produce highly nutritious fodder/sprouts for less than $0.10/lb.  This includes the cost of financing, grain (barley), labor & utilities.  (Results may vary depending on grain quality, environmental controls & producer experience.)

What Ratio of Dry Seed to Fodder Production is Expected?

By using only High Quality-High Germination seed of 95% or better, an efficient Fodder System should produce (7) Tons of highly nutritious Fodder for every (1) Ton of Dry Seed.

Are there Preferred  Fodder Systems in America?

Yes. SGI currently represents 'Made in America' & Global manufactures to build quality & efficient containers, free-standing and Automated fodder systems.

Why Should I Consider a High-Efficiency Fodder System?

A high-capacity container or stand alone fodder system can produce exceptional yields and quality while reducing your feed costs.   This can provide animals daily with the most nutritious 'live' fresh forage available.  Additional benefits include: lessen impact of droughts on forage production - reduce methane emissions (cattle) - control and stabilize feeding costs - reduce the need for additional land production - create a more nutritious protein for human consumption.  This ensures that animals live a more humane life while providing for mankind. 

How Much Should I Feed My Horses?   (See Equine Custom Blends)

It is recommended that horses start on 10 lbs. per day. This can replace some of the existing diet of concentrate, grain supplements or hay.  Fodder can be increased to a higher percentage of the horses diet over time depending on age, condition and activity. (Always Consult your Nutritionist or Veterinarian for guidance.)

What Types of Grain/Seeds Can Be Sprouted?

After several years of research, barley is preferred to be the best for feeding livestock due to nutritional balance and its explosive germ. There has also been success with other grains such as wheat and legumes resulting in good results by blending various grains.

How Much Should I Feed To Cattle?

The generally accepted standard is 2% to 3% of their body weight per day.  Fodder system manufactures will work with you to develop custom feeding programs to suit your individual requirements.

Is Fodder/Sprouting Approved by 'American GrassFed Assn'?

Yes, absolutely.  The AGA has approved Fodder/Sprouts for Beef & Dairy (up to 20 lbs/day) Pork & all foraging animals for meat and dairy production. 

Go To - AmericanGrassfed.org - (pg.15)

What Capacity System Do I Need?

Fodder systems are scalable by expansion of additional containers or more racks in stand-alone buildings.  Expansion will depend on the number of animals you are feeding and herd size. 

How Long Does the Sprouting Process Take?

Most systems take 6 to 9 days.  However, there are systems available that can harvest in 4 to 5 days from 'seed to feed' at the 'peak' of nutritional value.

What Part Do the Animals Eat?

The animals eat the entire biscuit including the root mat. Nothing is wasted or left behind.                                             What Water Sources Can I Use?

Rain water, maintained aerated ponds and well water are suitable to use.  Fodder systems can use any type of water provided it is clean and/or filtered.  It is recommended to have water sources tested for contamination and mineral content. 

What Type of Power is Needed?

In North America 220v with 40 amps is required.  Solar Power can also be adapted to most fodder systems.  

How Much is the Barley Seed for my System?

The price of seed can fluctuate from year-to-year depending on market supply and demand. * (See Grain & Shipping Costs)

How Much is Freight to Deliver My Grain?

Freight cost is determined by distance and weight of shipment from grain source to producer.  SGI Logistics has a nationwide network of both independent and terminal carriers to minimize shipping costs.  

All orders are bid with at least 3 to 5 carriers to negotiate lowest possible shipping rates.

What Animals Can be Fed Fodder?

Beef & dairy cattle, sheep, equine, goats, pigs, rabbits, alpaca, chickens, turkey, ducks, exotics and all other forage eating animals. Great for Poultry                                                                                    "Your Success is Our Success"


Specialty Grains Int'l (SGI) sources quality cereal grains and coordinates logistics directly with growers & producers using fodder/sprouting systems. It is paramount that fodder/system producers use quality, high-germination, high purity grains to obtain the best results for yield and quality nutrition for their' livestock.

                                                                          Barley/Lentil Grower MN             

Over the past several years, SGI has researched and found the best sources of quality cereal grains in various growing areas of the U.S.. SGI works directly with farmers and co-ops to build personal relationships and help growers and producers find the best U.S. grain markets from year-to-year. This allows growers & producers to eliminate the layers of brokers and fees that ultimately result in premium prices to growers and lower grain costs to fodder producers.

                                                                       Loading Barley at SD Farm

One of the most important factors in lowering costs to end producers are the shipping costs. SGI has contracted a network of independent and terminal carriers across the U.S..  By competitive bidding of at least 3-5 different carriers on every shipment, SGI is able to achieve the most competitive shipping rates available for farmers, ranchers & commercial growers.  

SGI coordinates all logistics between growers, producers & carriers.  For security purposes, buyer/producer funds are held in an independent escrow account to insure payments to growers & carriers.


SGI invites you to contact us directly to discuss your fodder system and answer all questions about grain and shipping costs.  (Prices listed below are approx. for cleaned & toted shipments.)

*** 4 Totes/Pallets MINIMUM ORDER ***

Conventional Barley - (Oct. 2024

Avg.price: $.26/lb. $520/Ton/Totes  (Vol. Discounts Available)

***(Shipping NOT Included)***  

Organic Barley - Call for Availability & Pricing

Current Price: $.36/lb.@ $720/Ton/Tote

***(Shipping NOT Included)***

All shipments are bid with 3 to 5 carriers to obtain

lowest shipping rates for customers.


Go to -- Contact Us Page 
-- Name - Address - Zip Code --
'Barley Guy' Direct @ (888)-334-3397


SGI Logistics shall act as coordinator/facilitator between growers (sellers) and producers (buyers) of designated products and services. ALL GRAIN & SHIPPING DEPOSITS ARE PAID IN ADVANCE TO AN ESCROW ACCOUNT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO GROWERS & SHIPPERS.



Equine have specialized digestive systems different from most other species. To accommodate this special need, SGI has developed an ‘Equine Custom Blends’ program.

By blending highly-digestible fodder with premium quality hay/forage, equine owners can reduce or eliminate most grain supplements and achieve the ultimate balanced diet to eliminate colitis, ulcers and many digestion and weight control problems. 

In coordination with veterinarians and nutritionists, owners can formulate the most effective blend of Fodder, Forage, Pasture and Supplements to keep horses in peak condition.                                                                                              

                                                                 Green Meadows Grower                                                                 Equine Forage Blend


Natural, palatable, consistent and nutritional source of blended timothy and orchard grass hay for all classes of horses.

* Can replace up to 100% of hay or pasture requirements.

* Supports blood building and digestive health with yeast, a natural source of B-vitamins.

* Helps promote the immune system.

* Chopped to enhance digestibility of nutrients critical to a horse's health and performance.

* Reduces metabolic concerns with controlled starch, while supporting muscle maintenance.

* Convenient and mess-free bags consistently contain the same palatable nutrition; reducing sorting and resulting in less waste than with conventional baled hay.


* Crude Protein (min.)9.0%

* Crude Fat (min)6.0%

* Crude Fiber (max.)30.0%

* Starch (max.)4.0%

* Vitamin A (min.)600 IU/lb

* Vitamin D (min.)60 IU/lb

* Vitamin E (min.)5 IU/lb


***Green Meadows 365***  

SGI is an Authorized GM365 Dealer for Growers of Premium Quality Alfalfa, Grasses & Forage Blends in the Midwest.

Our 'Preferred Growers' Produce Sun-Cured Forages that are Baled, Chopped, Custom Blended & Bagged at Optimal Storage (16%) Moisture and 'Peak Nutritional Value'.

By custom blending highly nutritious Fodder (by weight) with high-quality Forage, performance and pleasure horses can now achieve the highest quality nutritional balance.

EXAMPLE of "Perfect Equine Blend" Daily/Monthly Ration Cost -  

A 1000 lb. horse is fed a ration of 2.5% of body weight = 25 lbs/day (15 lbs. Fodder + 10 lbs. of Forage)

*(Fodder & Forage ration % can be adjusted to meet energy requirements based on age, activity and condition.) 

Cost of 15 lbs. of Fodder (15 X $.10/lb.) = $1.50 

Cost of 10 lbs. of Forage (10 X $.40/lb.) = $4.00

Total Daily Ration -- 15 lbs. Fodder + 10 lbs. Forage ($1.50 + $3.00) = $5.50/day

$5.50/day x 30 = $165/mo.

( Values are approx. based on regional hay/forage prices & shipping. Supplements NOT Included.)


Special Discounts for EquineMeadows365 Customers.  Check Out MedalistFeed.com then

Call 888-334-3397 Direct for Dealer Discount.

                                                                Sprout & Alfalfa Pellets for Horses & Livestock                                   50 lb. bags @ Chewy.com (FREE Shipping with 2 Bags)                                                

     *** Consult your Nutritionist & Veterinarian for Custom Blends***

* Equipment Finance - Application

 AgLeaseUSA Offers 'EZ-Qualify' Ag Equipment Finance Programs for Farmers, Ranchers & Entrepreneurs.         

How Do Equipment Finance Agreements Work?

An EFA, or Equipment Finance Agreement, is a type of business loan where the customer takes ownership of the equipment upfront, and then pays the lender monthly, annually or under a schedule agreed on by both parties. It's similar to financing a car.

Equipment finance agreements (EFAs) are similar to loans, but they aren’t traditional loans like we described above. With a finance agreement, your amortization schedule stays the same regardless of when you pay each month and how much you pay. Your equipment finance agreement won’t have stated interest rates, and the balance won’t break down into principal and interest. Instead, your finance charges will get calculated into the series of fixed payments you make over the term of the finance agreement.

Equipment financing is perfect for small business owners who have demonstrated success in the market and are trying to grow. Because of the generally quick approval times, many small businesses have been able to use equipment financing to maintain and expand their business operations on the fly.

Another benefit of equipment financing is that monthly payments on an equipment loan can be considered an operating expense. Make sure to discuss this with your lender and tax professional when going over the terms of the loan.

Overall, you can think of an EFA as a financing option that combines the ownership aspect of a loan with the financing structure of a lease. These agreements are often used to purchase assets that retain their value and equipment you plan to use long-term.

Access 20 Different Lenders and 75 Credit Portfolios

With dozens of equipment financing programs in the market, there is no "one size fits all" solution. 

Whether your top concern is the lowest down payment, lowest monthly payment, or overall cost of financing, we'll help get you into the financing portfolio that fits best for your business. 

* Payments & terms are based on time in business, credit score and accessories added to total package. 

(Please UNLOCK credit reports for (3) Days after completing application to allow lenders access.  The 'Soft Credit Request' WILL NOT be reflected on your Credit Report.)

Equipment Finance - Application

Specialty Grains Int'l has secured its 2022 (limited due to extreme drought) source for some of the highest quality Great Plains Organic Barley in the U.S.  Because of high volume sourcing, SGI can connect growers & fodder producers with competitive pricing.       

                                                                   Organic Barley New Crop 2022                                                               Midwest Barley Harvest 2022  

                                                                  Organic Barley @ 6 Day Growth

                                                                 Certificate of Analysis


                                                                           SGI Grains Are USDA Certified                                                                         


Specialty Grains Int'l (SGI) is dedicated to sourcing and shipping the highest quality cereal grains, forages & legumes for producers of fodder/sprouting systems. As stewards of the Creator's precious farm lands, farmers, ranchers and hobbyists can provide on-demand, cost-effective, high quality nutrition for horses, livestock and poultry to feed the nation and the world.

SGI is built on The Foundation of: 

   Character – Honesty – Reliability – Integrity – Service - Trust         

Curtis W. Swenson is the founder and managing director of Specialty Grains Int'l.  SGI was formed in 2010 at the height of an extreme drought in Texas and other widespread areas of the U.S.  At the time, Curtis was introduced to fodder/sprouting as an alternative feed source for livestock. 

Sprouting was developed 1000's of years ago in Egypt and was reignited over 50 years ago in Australia where farmers and ranchers had experienced extended periods of severe drought.

With the high mortality of nearly one million head of livestock in Texas, and sky-rocketing feed grain and hay prices, farmers and ranchers were desperate to find other options to sustain their' livestock.

On a 2010 tour of Amish and Mennonite farms, Curtis discovered that innovative Amish dairy farmers had developed fodder systems but were being sold 'low' quality feed barley for their' systems. Sensitive to their plight, Mr. Swenson went back to his roots in the Midwest to find high quality barley sources. Curtis, grew up on a 1200 acre grain and livestock farm in the fertile Red River Valley of the North.

History of RRV Bonanza Farms  

Barley was a mainstay in the rotation of alfalfa, corn, wheat, soybeans and sunflowers on the third-generation family farm. The Swenson farm was active in the development of hybrid barley & sunflower varieties by participating in field test plots with NDSU at Fargo, ND.

Thus began the reawakening passion of a "farmboy" to build a reputation and an active business across the U.S..

Today, Curtis is known as the "Barley Guy" to the Amish and Mennonite communities throughout the country. 

SGI is a premier grain supplier to fodder producers of premier fodder equipment manufacturers in the U.S.. This insures that fodder system owners experience high yields and nutritional quality fodder/sprouts for their' horse, livestock and poultry operations.                                         "Your Success is Our Success"

Fodder Sprouts are Approved by the American Grassfed Association for Beef ~ Dairy ~ Pork.


 AGA-Ruminant-Standards-DOWNLOAD PDF - Pg. 15

Nutritious Sprouted Grains Produce the Highest Quality Wagyu/Angus Beef in the World!

NO Daily Fodder Limits for Pork Producers!